Cannabis businesses everywhere are starting to realize the value of using online learning inside their organization as a way to increase the skills and productivity of their employees through a Moodle – Learning Management System (LMS).

LMSs will play a larger role in many cannabis companiesstrategic direction and operational performance in the industry due to regulations requiring training, employee development, and compliance reporting needs.

The idea of linking “learning interventions” to effects in bigger-scope goals is not new. Over the last decade, the Moodle LMS platform has been used worldwide by millions of users from vast corporations to village classrooms with all shapes, sizes, and flavors in between.

But if you read through some of the case studies you will also find several large organizations – from big corporations such as Mazda in Colombia, financial institutions such as rediATM, and not-for-profit organizations, like World Vision – are also using Moodle LMS for a variety of reasons.

Early theoretical frameworks to study the once-incipient Education Technology (Ed-Tech) landscape, and learning analytics, in particular, consistently considered workplace contexts in the analysis. Perhaps the best example is the “ROI on Learning Pyramid,” covered in our Learning Analytics Roadmap series and discussed in depth by Britt Andreatta, CLO of

Britt Andreatta of online education company shared the company’s decades’ worth of experience around a talk about neuroscience in higher and corporate education. If you loved the movie Inside Out, you’re going to love this presentation.

Neuroscience of Learning Design

Andreatta’s title, by the way, stands for Chief Learning Officer, a high-level management titled position pioneered by and a few others, but that now is an identifiable role found across more companies, not only those in the education business.

Andreatta, Ph.D., begins with a disclaimer: she has no neuroscience background so her approach involves reading literature and talking with authors to “translate” findings into learning experiences.

Right away Andreatta frames the science around potential, and what we can do to maximize it in each employee her findings have been correlating success and mindset so a “fixed” and a “growth mindset” in their eyes mark the divide between success and failure.

Growth Mindsets & Continuous Learning

Growth mindsets, naturally, lead to a desire to learn. 

By first setting fixed mindsets as detractors of effort, challenge, and feedback, Andreatta then uses neuroplasticity to declare that the brain is wired for a growth mindset out of the box then it becomes the question of how to sell growth mindset to “fixed mindset folk“.

Conversely, Moodle has always been aware of the importance of workplace, business, and even non-profit settings as you saw in the user case studies.

Moodle is a modular system based on plugins, which are like Lego blocks that you put together to build whatever you want. There are plugins for different kinds of content, and plugins for all kinds of collaborative activities, which is where Moodle shines.

As an example our Workshop plugin manages a full peer assessment process, so you can get hundreds of employees accurately grading each other’s assignments (that can save you a lot of time!).

Add some tracking and reports and the ability to add more plugins from the community or even ones you write yourself, and you can build some pretty amazing education environments.

There is statistical significance between the use of an LMS or Ed-Tech by a company and its level of innovation or competitiveness, the presence of these technologies would suggest an interest in improvement where people’s skills are involved.

Green CulturED has been quick to understand the potential of Ed-Tech in the workplace for the cannabis industry so there are inexpensive, flexible, and appealing digital learning options.

Let us know what you think.

